As time inevitably progresses so does the technology that governs most of our lives. Technology can be seen as a new organism introduced to our human environment, when introduced people must adapt to it or perish by it, however in doing so astonishing things can be accomplished if technology can be used in the correct manner. on the other hand when it comes to introducing new forms of technology into archaeology. “some forms of digital engagement that rely strongly on voluntarism and on the donation of time, skills and knowledge in support of activities proposed by archaeological organisations have been criticised as exploiting free labour and contributing to neo-liberalist economies (Perry and Beale 2015). The outcomes of heritage crowdsourcing practices (see case study 5.1) have also been critiqued for affirming ‘truths’ constructed by majorities, and often excluding the alternative views of minorities (e.g. Harrison 2010). Furthermore, open geographic information can pose ethical challenges related to its potential use by looters to feed illicit trades of antiquities (Bevan 2012), and citizens taking part in heritage monitoring via web or mobile crowdsourcing (e.g. Cultural Heritage Monitor) may incur risks to their personal security.” meaning that a lot of work requires time and vast amount of people that can and are able to help in a certain project, but as archaeologist we do not want to follow or seem like neo-liberals who will exploit volunteers or privatize the archaeological project. As far as crowdsourcing goes it is a great way to connect with people without even meeting them in person, and it is an excellent way of recruiting paid or unpaid volunteers, however there are ethical issues involved in which the volunteers personal information may be violated. it seems with new technology comes new and more strict responsibilities, responsibilities to protect he people and to protect the archaeological project.
For one I personally believe that technology when used correctly can be of great help to the field of archaeology, instead of using ground penetrating radar, heat sensing cameras, or drones for military purposes. we can use them to better understand our selves in the past. Instead of using artificial intelligence to turn on our lights and regulate our air conditioning system, archaeologist can be using artificial intelligence to reconstruct decaying historical monumental building that may never be seems again, but with the use of technology can be saved into a hard drive or USB. Technology can be our savior when it comes to preserving human history, but it can also be our peril as it is much more evident to this day. then comes the funding for these technologies, who will be interested it digitally resurrecting a 5,000 year old building? Money should be set aside from the federal government for the sciences and social sciences such as anthropology, archaeology and sociology alike. 3D technology should be implemented into our cemetery project as long as there is a budget for the technology because. this cemetery may seize to exist in the near future, furthermore there are many graves without headstones, in digitally creating a headstone for the individual that was to humble to afford a headstone we are commemorating and and righteously honoring the dead.
“Key Concepts in Public Archaeology.” UCLPRESS,