Themes & Readings


I include here the structuring themes and assigned readings for ANTH 4385: Public Anthropology. You can download the course syllabus to see it all in context.

A few comments on the selected works are necessary. First, whenever possible I have tried to select resources that are freely available to anyone on the internet. I thank my colleagues who have done so much to make their works accessible, either through self-hosting articles or by pursing Open Access publications. Short of that, I have included articles and resources that are available through our UTRGV library subscriptions. This unfortunately results in a number of excellent pieces, particularly journal articles, being omitted from consideration. Individuals interested in delving further into a subject can contact me for further suggested readings, and if you have suggestions of other resources please let me know.

Second, the resources included here reflect my participation in digital archaeology practices, and the longer-term goal of making this project’s data available to various publics through a digital medium. Thus, we spend several weeks of the course focused on these themes. Selection is always a balancing act between interests, resources, and time.

Lastly, you will frequently see “TBA” on the syllabus. This is a reflection of the rapidly changing and flexible nature of conducting a research project and sharing it in near-real time.